Unless you are really serious about being serious, you are only playing games... This thought came to me in reading 2 Corinthians 5:11-19. It talks about being new creatures in Christ, forgetting what has happened in the past. I can't forget the past - it is past experiences that influences my decisions, knowing what works and doesn't. At the same time I cannot live in it to the extent that it stops me from moving forward.
Before I can move forward, I have to seek forgiveness, as well as forgive those that I have wronged or felt they have wronged me. It is easier to forgive than to ask forgiveness. To ask for forgiveness and to be sincere about it, I have to admit I was wrong. Not only to admit that I was wrong, yet to admit it without self-justifying tags attached to it.
Efesians 4:31-32, Mark 11:25-26
It would be easier to walk away from the forgiveness issue. As long as I postpone it or ignore it, I will not be able to enter that area where I am relying on His strength to grow. If I want to go that road of doing only what I want to do and not what God wants me to do, then I am playing at being a Christian, playing the Christian game. Until I start applying the teachings, Christianity will only be a theory.
Anything less than practical application is only playing games, nothing less. The time is long past to stop playing games and start being serious about being serious.


Anonymous said…
I've heard it said that true forgiveness is giving forward - seeing people as the best they can be. When we hold this space for them, we allow this possibility for them. Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy."
Anjuli said…
And what we don't realize about the forgiveness issue is that there is a freedom in it....when we don't forgive we are kept in a prison- when we fail to admit we need forgiveness we are also kept in a prison-- forgiveness is the key to opening the prison door!!

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